
  1. What is “Medical School Staff”?
    Medical School Staff (MSS) is a website that gives the easiest way to add Staff Bios and a Staff Directory for your staff members.
  2. Academic Staff List A – Z
    Allow you to view all available staffs

    Allow you to search for staff by enter a key value and hit search button

    A result with list of match case will be available
  3. Staff bio
    From list of staffs, click staff’s name to view staff bio.

    Staff bio contains biography of a staff. Including phone, address, email, website, title, department

    Staff picture is also available

    Staff content has custom detail of staff biography

    You can click “Home button” to go back to Staff directory list

    Or you can click next and previous button to view other staff bio
  4. How to create a new staff bio?
    Go to website admin at Click Company Directory -> Add New Staff Member

    Enter staff Title (Full name) and Bio. In bio field, you can add images and design the paragraph as your will.

    Select a department for staff. If no department available, then try to add one by click “Add New Department”.

    Enter First Name and Last Name. First Name will be served as a key to group staff members within the list.

    Enter Title (This the function of staff within the organization), phone, email, address, and website

    Click Publish button after enter information

    After created, staff bio should be available in list of staff members
  5. Hướng dẫn khởi tạo Staff Member on WordPress (P1)
  6. Hướng dẫn khởi tạo Staff Member on WordPress (P2)
  7. Hướng dẫn khởi tạo Staff Member on WordPress (P3)