Chung Thanh Nha

+84 028 37242160 / +84 0906809007
Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, HCM City

Department of Epidemiology

Full time

I obtained master degree emphasizing in Public Health and having over twelve years working with many public health projects at different communities throughout the country. I have learned many aspects of our past and current public health. My experiences include organizing and facilitating field’s activities to supportive supervising, monitoring & evaluating, and training community healthcare staff members. I enjoy teaching and interacting with smart, young, self – driven, and motivated medical students who passionate about helping others to improve and maintain healthy lifestyles. I pledge to offer all my knowledge, energy, and expertise as a lecturer to all my students, the next dedicated medical doctors of our community.


  • Master of Public Health, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Key responsibilities


  • Epidemiology
  •  Health Education
  • Health and Disease
  • Community Practice

Research interests

  • Epidemiology
  •  Mental health
  • Health promotion

Professional Engagement

  • 2016-present: Lecturer, School of Medicine, Vietnam National University HCMC
  • 2018: M&E, Communities for Healthy Hearts Project, PATH Organization
  • 2014-2015: Epidemiologist, Institute of Malariology – Parasitology – Entomology in HCMC
  • 2009-2013: PO, Harm Reduction Program funding by World Bank, Ho Chi Minh City AIDS Committee
  •  2005-2008: PA, Care & Treatment Project funding by Family Health International Organization, Ho Chi Minh City AIDS Committee