Tran Thi Huyen

+84 398433422
VNU-HCM Building, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC, Vietnam

Lecturer, PhD

Lecturer (Full time)


  1. University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria
    Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 – 2019.
  2. University of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Wien, Austria
    Visiting student, Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant
    Compounds, June 2018
  3. University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    Master of sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, 2011 – 2013
  4. University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam
    Certificate of Brand Manager, March to August 2008
  5. University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    B.S. Faculty of Pharmacy, 1998 – 2003.

Honours, awards and grants

  • Young Investigation Fellowship for the 19. International Congress of the
    International Society for Ethnopharmacology, Technische Universitat,
    Dresden, Germany.


  • Recognition of medicinal plants.
  • Botany.
  • Pharmacognosy 1
  • Pharmacognosy 2
  • Herbal Nutraceuticals and Cosmetics


  • Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of Vietnamese plants
  • Pharmacological screening of plant constituents with anti-proliferative
    and anti-inflammatory activities.
  • Isolation and structure elucidation of plant constituents with anti-proliferative
    and anti-inflammatory activities.

Publications and proceedings

  • Publications
    • Tran, H.T.; Solnier, J.; Pferschy-Wenzig, E.-M.; Kunert, O.; Martin, L.; Bhakta, S.; Huynh, L.; Le, T.M.; Bauer, R.; Bucar, F. Antimicrobial and efflux pump inhibitory activity of Carvotacetones from Sphaeranthus
      africanus against Mycobacteria. Antibiotics 2020, 9, 390. Journal IF: 3.893
    • Cilović, E., Brantner, A., Tran, H.T., Arsenijević, J. & Maksimović, Z. (2019). Methanol Extracts and Volatiles of Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Technologica Acta, 12 (1), 9-13.
    • Tran, H. T., X. Gao, N. Kretschmer, E.-M. Pferschy-Wenzig, P. Raab, T. Pirker, V. Temml, D. Schuster, O. Kunert, L. Huynh and R. Bauer (2019). “Anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative compounds from Sphaeranthus africanus.” Phytomedicine 62: 152951. Journal IF: 4.18
    • Tran, H.T., Pferschy-Wenzig, E.-M., Kretschmer, N., Kunert, O., Huynh, L., Bauer, R., 2018. Antiproliferative Carvotacetones from Sphaeranthus africanus. Journal of Natural Products 81, 1829-1834. Journal IF: 4.257
  • Conference presentations
    • 21st International Congress “Phytopharm 2017”, 2-5 July 2017: Bio-guided isolation of bioactive compounds from Sphaeranthus africanus.
    • 24th Scientific Symposium of the Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) 27-28 September 2018: Carvotacetones from Sphaeranthus africanus with anti-proliferative against several cancer cell lines.
    • The 30th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products and the 10th International Congress on Biodiversity (IUPAC 2018) 25-29 November 2018: Anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative compounds from Sphaeranthus africanus.
    • 26th Scientific Congress of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society (ÖPhG), 25 – 27 April 2019, University of Graz, Austria: Antiproliferative Carvotacetones from Sphaeranthus africanus.
    • 19th International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology (12 – 14, June 2019), Technische Universität Dresden, Germany: Investigation of anti-inflammatory activity of constituents from
      Sphaeranthus africanus.
    • 67th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), September 1 – 5, 2019, Innsbruck, Austria: Investigation of pharmacological of
      constituents from Sphaeranthus africanus

Professional engagement

  • 07/2020 – present: Lecturer, School of Medicine, Vietnam National University HCMC, Vietnam.
  • 10/2019 – 12/2019: Doctoral program at University of Graz, Austria.
  • 01/2014 – 09/2016: Lecturer, Hong Bang International University, HCMC, Vietnam.
  • 01/2005 – 12/2013: Multi-national pharmaceutical companies, HCMC, Vietnam.