- Vietnam Military Medical University
- PhD (Biomedical Science)
- Vietnam Military Medical University
- MSc (Anatomy)
- Tay Nguyen University
- BA (General Doctor of Medicine)
Key responsibilities
- Managing in academic affairs in Department of Anatomy and Embryology
- Teaching and Doing research
- Participating the research project about ” Định vị, đo đạc và mô tả phức hợp lỗ thông
khe trên thành mũi ngoài và đề xuất các mốc ứng dụng trong phẫu thuật
nội soi mũi xoang” in 2003.
Professional engagement
- 1996 – present, Vice Chair, Pham Ngoc Thanh University of Medicine
- 2016 – 2019, Vice Chair, VNU-HCM School of Medicine
- 2020 – present, Chair, VNU-HCM School of Medicine