Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Bay

+84 028 37242160 ext. 3111
Nhà điều hành ĐHQG TP.HCM, P. Linh Trung, Q. Thủ Đức, TP. HCM

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Department of Traditional Medicine

(Head Department of Traditional medicine): Lecturer (Full time)


  • 2002: awarded as the title of Associate Professor.
  • 1996: PhD in Traditional Medicine
  • 1989: First-Degree Specialist of Traditional Medicine.

Honours, awards and grants

  • 2011:  Third Class Labour Medal Award
  • 2005: Meritorious Teacher

Key responsibilities

  • Programme manager in Traditional Medicine
  • Teaching, Research, Material Development


  • Supervising 05 PhD candidates including 02 successfully completing the thesis defense,
  • Supervising 31 MSc students including 29 completed.
  • Supervising 12 Second-Degree Specialists.
  • Supervising 16 BA graduation thesis (Traditional Medicine, Odonto Stomatology, Biology)

Professional engagement

  • 2012 – present: Consultant in Traditional Medicine of Ho Chi Minh City University Medical Center Board  of Directors.
  • 2016 – present: Head (Department of Traditional Medicine, VNU-HCM School of Medicine)
  • 2010 – 2017: Vice director of Centre for Health Professionals Training, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
  • 2005 – 2015:  Director of Ho Chi Minh City University Medical Center, Branch III.
  • 2002 – 2010: Vice Dean (Faculty of Traditional Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy).
  • 1998 – 2012: Head (Department of Pathology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy)